Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Staniel Cay, Big Major, and Weather

The weather continues a slow deterioration. Warm, cloud-filled, windless days, punctuated by sudden vicious storms, with winds rocketing to 30, creating lumpy seas that lift and drop us at anchor, and leave us soaked as we travel by dinghy. This feels like the birthplace of the winds as out of silence and flatness, a breeze begins to swirl, first one direction, then another, growing moment by moment. The first major hit was at 2 am and twisted us an anchor from east to southeast, to southwest, the only direction lacking protection. The following day, with predictions of 1-5 knot winds, we went ashore to celebrate Jan's birthday at the Staniel Cay Yacht Club. Pictures prove the celebration was a success.

We had accepted a ride in Lou and Nancy's dinghy and delayed the return for 2 hours while the water boiled and spit, and boats at the dock pitched violently. Flags standing erect quivered with effort to stay on their poles. Tropical leaves thrashed along the walkways. The wind grew stronger, whirling from S to SW to NW and finally to the north. For two hours we waited in the sheltered porch of the Yacht Club with dozens of others unable to return to their boats. When we did return, the wind began to drop, white caps diminished, but the waves still lapped the dinghy and soaked us, not with fine spray, but with sheets of water. In the evening, someone suggested a hot dog roast on the beach, and 30 adults, 5 children and 3 dogs appeared with food.

Our final days were fun filled. We dove spectacular Thunderball Cave. The entrance had more colorful fish, but oh my, inside, luminous shafts of light pierced the ceiling to reflect the color of the aqua seas onto all parts of the cave. Pastel shades everywhere.