Saturday, March 24, 2012

Family in Key West

MArch was family month with visits from Rick's Uncle Bill and cousins and another from The Dohertys, Cookie's sister and her husband.
We had lunch at Hogfish with Bill Eaton and the Brandenburg's and later kyaked in the lagoon behind The Navigator. Interesting mangrove and reef views to see.
This was Barbie and Jeff's first trip to the keys, so we tried to hit all the high spots, especially since it was St. Patrick's day weekend.

We walked from one end of Duval Street to the other, stopped by Hemingway's House, went sailing on a day of 20-22 knot winds and Rick even became a part of the Mallory Square sunset events.

Having family visit in Key West is one of the benefits of boat ownership in the keys.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Everyone always asks, "But what do you do every day?"

 Still having trouble with this post. Oh Well.
Watch sailboat races from our sailboat
Looks at the wildlife.


Sail in races


participate in Key West goofiness

 work on the engine.

repair toilets

work on the rigging

paint dingy floorboards

Go to the beach.
Play tour guide.
Play games.
varnish the dinghy, play games, play tour guide

Read books

Use the computer.

Participate in general goofiness.

Dine with friends.

Win sailboat races

And, we admire our beautiful world.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Winter Visitors to the Keys

Sid and Rick at the Navy Beach.
January, and especially February was a time for a reunion of Navy friends. Our first visitor was Sid Mohsberg, who we last saw in Annapolis in October. He flew down for a long weekend to tour Key West with us. Showing off our town and seeing old friends is high on our list of pleasures. The Hutchins, are staying until early March at the Sigsbee RV park and in late February, the Peters and Gunns arrived. We shared two tours with each of them, but became closer after retirement and have seen each other throughout the years, although it has been 11 years since we were all together in one place. The Peters stayed for a week. We had some new firsts, a female impersonator show with Randy Roberts, who did a fabulous Cher and a Bette Midler and a persona of his own. The show was great fun! We also made our first trip to Bajia Honda State park, with the key's loveliest beache. And, we shared many fun meals full of conversations and renewals of friendship. The Peters joined us on our second wreckers race too.

At LaTe Dah with the Hutchins and Peters.
Lunch at Sunset Key.

Rick, Cookie, Don, Susan, Tom, Kit, Pauletta, and Vern

Later in the week, we were joined by Kit and Tom Gunn, who made our Bremerton, Washington Navy friends reunion complete.

Later we had friends Dave and Carol Elliot and Jim and Barb Unsen, a Navy reunion group from our Port Hueneme your, visit. Great fun to see everyone again!

Rick, Cookie, Jim Unsen, Dave Elliot, Carol Elliot, Carol's friend, and Barb Unsen at the Tin Roof retaurant for Dave's birthday.