Tuesday, December 9, 2008

WindDancer was lproperly christened with her new name and launched with champagne.

In November, we traveled back to Pensacola and did a lot of work on the boat ourselves. Good friend Tom Gunn joined us and we are in the process of making a sailor out of him. In return, he promises to come with us on our first leg of the trip to Key West in January.


Thursday, December 4, 2008

From May through November we added a growing number of "must haves" to the boat including dodger, bimini, new electronics, radar, inverter, and bow thruster. Boat as Bottomless Pit has begun.


Wind Dancer in Preparation

May 2008
We sailed our new boat from St. Petersburg, Florida to Pensacola via Caravelle , Appilachicola, and Port St. Jo to be fitted for cruising. Encountered along the way was our first overnight sail, wonderful courteous service at The Moorings in Caravelle, fabulous oysters and shrimp at Boss Oyster house in Appilachicola, our first under the bridge experience there also, first river passage to Port St. Jo, and first storm at sea with a rough finish into Pensacola Bay at 4 am with 8 foot following seas, fitful rain, and distant lightning...no bimini or dodger, That was yet to come.
