Key West Race Week provides an excuse to day sail. Sadly, the number of boats entering each year has dropped dramatically. There is no longer a maxi class, and only 3 mini maxis participated. The number of boats entered has shrunk from over 300 just 5 years ago to about 140. Still, the races are exciting and beautiful to watch. The winds were perfect and the sun was shining.

Our other day sail in January was the Wreckers Race. With crew members Bert and Gail, Luke and Jan, and Dan and Andy, we tried using our code zero. The winds were light and at a bad angle for the sail. We made a bad decision, which resulted in our last place finish. The winning boat in the race was a holdover winner from the Race Week competition. This was a 54 foot Swan with a 7 foot keel. Watching her scoot out far ahead, heeled over with only a 7 knot wind was impressive. The best part of the day was lunch and companionship on the way back. The second best part was the start, which featured more than the usual number of beautiful schooners.