January in Key West means the start of this years Wreckers Race series, a highlight of the winter sailing season. For this race, 40 sailing vessels from an 18 foot Hobie Cat to two masted schooners plied the waters between Key West Harbor and Sand Key, on the reef. At least eight boats from Boca Chica marina raced, including dock mates, Jose Pagan, with his 49 foot Juneau, and Ron Marchman, with a 55 foot ketch. Our crew, Jan and Luke Sand, Bob and Gail Bert, were joined by fellow Beneteau owner, Stuart, and his friend Sid. Bob won his class in the Port Huron to Makinac Race this past year and became our tactician and spinnaker man. Rick steered, and the rest of us did as we were told.

The race was a six and a half mile dash down wind with spinnakers flying all around. Bob worked his delicate touch and magically turned our asymetrical into a psuedo full spinnaker as it ballooned out in front of us. We pushed across the line as the 5th boat, first in our class of monohulls over 30 feet.

At the close of the day, the winners are announced during the celebration at Schooners Wharf. Blue skies, fair winds, good friends, warm temperature, aqua waters and a first place finish. Sailing doesn't get any better than this....neither does life.