At Governor's Harbor, were delighted to find mooring balls, managed by the French Leave Resort and Marina, a new boutique resort, with a classy restaurant, pool, bicycles, and a beach on the Atlantic.

We enjoyed our stay, eating hors d'oeurves on the deck, lunches at the Buccaneer Club, and ice cream at the custom house. The Buccaneer club owner was a fascinating lady, mocha skin, grey eyes, reed thin body, hair pulled back from an angular face into a severe bun. She went to boarding school in Switzerland and resides part time in Tuscany

We bicycled one morning to the endless Atlantic Beach, with pink sand, a calm pool of brilliant blue.
Friday night was fish fry night on the island and we ate cheap on paper plates. Joining us was a couple from another moored boat, an American sailor and a British ex-pat, who was looking for love, but apparently not finding it with her sailing companion. We regaled each other with sea stories and life stories over chicken, fish, wine, and Bubba Rum drinks.
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