Thursday, May 17, 2018

Homeward Bound through the Bahamas

Time to meander home again. We headed north and west, stopping at Shroud Cay, Nassau, and Bird Cay before moving across the bank to our jumping off point at Gun Cay. On our journey to Nassau, we followed Atlantica through the Yellow Bank. Probably wont do that again. Most water levels were at 9 feet and we had multiple incidents of moving slowly around visible coral heads whose depth we couldn't ascertain. Cookie standing on the bow looking intently at the water, Rick confirming depths over the radio with the lead boat. Much easier to go south just a few miles on the charted path between the banks with deeper water and only one marked coral head....which we never saw.
In Nassau we stayed long enough for a farewell to the Bahamas group dinner and the purchase of a new engine for the dinghy. Ours has never run well and during this trip we trailed behind our fellow travelers on every expedition.

The trip over the bank meant shallow water, but with only sand beneath us, it wasn't a worry. Gun Cay anchorage had poor holding and we hand to move out to deeper water to stay firm.On June 5th, we left the Bahamas to jump onto the Gulf Stream and head north to Dataw.


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