We have waited on the weather, once again. It is the wisest thing to do. Today we must exit the bank for a 2 mile jaunt through the Atlantic and back again around the island they call "The Whale". This spot can be plagued by winds and waves they call, "The Rage", when the ocean boils around the invisible reef and no one ventures out, but on this calm day it is hard to imagine. We slip in and out of the reef, with the waters, placid, the difference between a lion and a house cat. So calm is the day that we must motor the entire way. Our timing was good though because by the time we reeach Green Turtle, the winds have picked up and we anchor for the night in bumpy waters. Green Turtle is an old and quiet town on a small cove. One end of the island has a new resort, but we enjoy the our excursion into the old town and to Pineapples, the poolside bar whose fame had preceded it. We found it just as enjoyable as our friends who had visited before..

This is our last night of cruising in the Bhamas and Sand Castle joins us for a final cocktail together before we set sail for home. Tomorrow will be the island of Great Sale, an uninhabited stopover for most who travel between the Bahamas and the north.

At Great Sale, we watch our last Bahamian sunset, and Rick and Cookie blow our island conchs for the last itme until we return to Key West in the fall.
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